You’re wondering if you need an Outer Banks or Northeastern North Carolina wasp exterminator. In this case, it’s important to note there are several stinging insects common to the Outer Banks.
Northeastern NC & Outer Banks
Wasp & Stinging Insect Control
Many stinging inspects can pose a threat to your family’s well-being. Insects like wasps and hornets can cause painful, sometimes life-threatening stings!
It is important to understand the behaviors and characteristics of these pests. So you or your guests can stay safe with our Northeastern NC and Outer Banks wasp control services.

Where do wasps nest around my property?
Wasps can be found on structures in the backyard, garden, marsh, or woodlands. Wasps can also nest in your attics and often obscure areas around your home or business’s property.
Particularly common are wasps in rental homes as certain inaccessible areas to guests go untouched. Schedule seasonal checks by an experienced wasp exterminator from Pro 1 Pest Control.
We will ensure wasps Don’t Come Around Here No More (cue the Tom Petty song).
Seasonal Challenges and Nesting Habits
Even more, in early fall, certain females seek a protected place during the winter months. These female wasps are looking to lay dormant until they can reign as queen of a new colony come spring.
You may see a few wasps flying around inside your home or business on a usually warm winter day or as spring begins. In this situation, it is important to call an expert Outer Banks wasp exterminator like Pro 1 Pest Control.
Paper Wasps
Wasps build and live in paper-like nests made from wood fibers that have been chewed into a pulp. This is why these are typically called paper wasps. Paper wasps are a common type of Outer Banks wasp.
They form colonies inside the nests. With little instigation, wasps are aggressive. And sting.
They are especially dangerous because each wasp is capable of stinging a human more than once. Give Pro 1 Pest Control a call immediately to resolve any wasp problem small or large.
Have a Wasp Problem? Call Our Wasp Exterminators
Our wasp exterminator team can ensure you do not have a larger wasp problem. Simultaneously, they will investigate potential entry points in your building.
If wasps go unnoticed on or on your property, it can easily be too late before they cause avoidable harm to you and your family.
Don’t let wasps take over. Contact Pro 1 Pest Control for expert and efficient Outer Banks wasp control.
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